[LHC] Intel descontinua Joule, Galileu e Edison

Pedro A. M. Vazquez vazquez at g.unicamp.br
Mon Jun 19 17:53:40 PDT 2017


Sometimes the end of a product’s production run is surrounded by publicity,
a mix of a party atmosphere celebrating its impact either good or bad, and
perhaps a tinge of regret at its passing. Think of the last rear-engined
Volkswagens rolling off their South American production lines for an

Then again, there are the products that die with a whimper, their passing
marked only by a barely visible press release in an obscure corner of the
Internet. Such as this week’s discontinuances from Intel, in a series of
PDFs lodged on a document management server announcing the end of their
Galileo (PDF), Joule (PDF), and Edison (PDF) lines. The documents in turn
set out a timetable for each of the boards, for now they are still
available but the last will have shipped by the end of 2017.

It’s important to remember that this does not mark the end of the
semiconductor giant’s forray into the world of IoT development boards,
there is no announcement of the demise of their Curie chip, as found in the
Arduino 101. But it does mark an ignominious end to their efforts over the
past few years in bringing the full power of their x86 platforms to this
particular market, the Curie is an extremely limited device in comparison
to those being discontinued.

Will the departure of these products affect our community, other than those
who have already invested in them? It’s true to say that they haven’t made
the impression Intel might have hoped, over the years only a sprinkling of
projects featuring them have come our way compared to the flood featuring
an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi. They do seem to have found a niche though
where there is a necessity for raw computing power rather than a simple
microcontroller, so perhaps some of the legion of similarly powerful ARM
boards will plug that gap.

So where did Intel get it wrong, how did what were on the face of it such
promising products fizzle out in such a disappointing manner? Was the
software support not up to scratch, were they too difficult to code for, or
were they simply not competitively priced in a world of dirt-cheap boards
from China? As always, the comments are open.

*Uma nação "que queria ser moderna" recua no tempo e se coloca ao lado de
Honduras e Paraguai como países onde "presidentes eleitos foram afastados
de forma questionável", afirmam análises sobre o impeachment de Dilma*

*na DW Brasil
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