[LHC] Concurso Intel IoT Invitational: ganhe placa Edison + sensores

Fernando Bonafé bonafe at opapagaiorinoceronte.net
Thu May 14 18:57:28 PDT 2015

Show de bola, valeu pela dica!
Mando lá e mando aqui também para contar um pouco mais dos projetos que
tenho feito com a Kombi.


 Transportation and Safety
I'm an Anthropologist doing Urban Ethnography in the largest city of the
interior of State of São Paulo, Brazil.
I've a Volkswagen Transporter witch I sleep inside in all sorts of places.
I intend to put in it as much as computing intelligence as I can and use
the mobility I have in my research to spread self employment of such
technologies for the population I get in contact with.
I also intend to share code on GitHub and create a site with online
information (like gps coordinates over a map).

 Environment and Agriculture
The concern with the quality of live and environment guides my personal
motivation for the work I talked about in the last anticipation.
Because of this I tend to spread my Permaculture (Agroecology) knowledges
in the places I visit.
I intend to create an ecosystem in the Transporter (I've just remembered
Kevin Costner's boat in Waterworld with that little plant in it).
The goal again is to spread the knowledge of the technologies involved with
open source  and showing online data in the website for others to see it is

Home Automation
As I said earlier I sleep in the Transporter so it would be nice to
automate it as a home would be.
I remember a day I was in the beach with my friends and I saw a family that
lived in a Transporter in despair as the fire consumed it. It would be good
to be safe and to show others how they can be safe so no more families may
lose everything because of this kind of accident.

In this last item I allow me (and the ones with me) to have some fun.
I want to create a robotic water jet to throw water in the crowd when we
have a celebration in the heat of the Summer.
I also think to use it to spread organic nutrition compounds in trees among
other uses.
It would be interesting to assemble a camera in it for filming purposes (I
would be glad to send it to you :0)

Em 14 de maio de 2015 19:39, Leandro A. F. Pereira <leandro at tia.mat.br>

> Opa --
> Eu não posso participar por ser funcionário, mas nada diz que não posso
> dar a dica pra galera aqui participar :)
> O Instructables tá doando uns 300 kits com placa Edison + alguns sensores,
> só tem que explicar o motivo de você querer um deles. Tem que preencher um
> formulário e mandar. Em inglês, é claro.
> Tem alguns prêmios, incluindo câmeras DSLR, osciloscópios, cartão de
> presente pra Sparkfun, etc.
> Página do concurso: http://www.instructables.com/contest/Edison/
> Informações de inscrição:
> http://www.instructables.com/community/Intel-IoT-Invitational/
> --
>  Leandro
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