[LHC] Invitation to the "Coders Strike Back" WorldCup Contest

Dica Nerd dicanerd at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 06:14:48 PST 2016

Galera, quem tiver interesse, achei interessante compartilhar


Invitation to the "Coders Strike Back" WorldCup Contest



*A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... The Rebel forces have to
heavily rely on their pilots skillfulness to have The Republic win the war
against the Empire. This time, everything is at stake in a pod race. But
the Resistance needs more than human dexterity to win the fight: You will
have to program a self-driving pod to defeat the enemy... *

We're happy to invite you to our next online WorldCup Contest "Coders
Strike Back", that will be held from *Saturday, February 27th*,
2016 starting at 12:00pm EST to *Sunday, March 6th, 2016* ending at 2:00pm

   - *Type of Contest: *Multiplayer AI Battle
   - *Contest Duration: *8 days
   - *Time to code a basic AI: *Approx 15 minutes.
   - *Code submission limitations: *None. You can submit your code as much
   as you want to improve your strategy.
   - *Prizes to win:* 1st place: Pack PS4 + Star Wars Battlefront ; 2nd
   Place: LEGO Mindstorms Star Wars Droid Developer Kit ; 3rd Place: Darth
   Vader Toaster

We're counting on you, podracer pilot :)

Register to the contest
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